Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just Say NO! to toxic ingredients

I scroll through the internet sometimes looking at other mineral makeup lines and what is available out there. I look mostly at ingredient listings; I am often surprised at what is in what we put on our skin! IF, and this is a big IF, I am lucky enough to even find them listed on the site. Most times, I search the entire site and find nothing. That makes me wonder...Why dont they list thier ingredients? Dont other people look? Don't we want to know what were putting on our skin? Why would someone buy cosmetics with out knowing what is in it? I know you read the ingredient labels at your grocery store...don't you?
Once you find the ingredients, the comon advise is to read through the list and if you cant pronounce something on the list, dont buy it. Now, I don't think that just because we can't pronounce a word it is harmful, although, it is something to consider, I think, if we don't recognize a word It just means we have not learned what it is yet; we have not yet educated ourselves. So, let's get started...
Go into your bathroom, your purse, your bedroom and pull out your cosmetics. Set them all in front of you,, let's read those labels. This post is the first in a series about ingredients to watch out for. Let's start with ....
Parabens, of any kind (methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl), it will look like this: methyl- paraben, ethylparaben, probylparaben, butyl- paraben.
Parabens are a group of inexpensieve synthetic preservatives commonly found in many different cosmetics and body care products, such as moisturizers, face and skin cleansers, shampoos, conditioners, sunscreens, deodorants and antiperspirants, shaving gels, toothpastes, makeup (including some mineral makeup brands), and many others. They are also used as preservatives in food and beverages, and in some medications.
The issues are : Parabens are possible hormone disrupters and possible carcinogens. Here are some highlights/excerpts taken from a series of articles from the EWG (environmental working group).
"Some parabens can irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions.  Laboratory studies indicate that parabens are estrogenic, meaning they can mimic the hormone estrogen, disrupting normal function of the hormone system.  In a recent study, traces of 5 different parabens were found in the breast cancer tumors of 19 of 20 women examined."
"There is no clear consensus on the risks of parabens, however studies have linked it to several ailments, including breast cancer. Some reports claim parabens are a carcinogen that can disrupt normal hormone function and can mimic the effects of estrogen. This exposure to external sources of estrogens is what increases the risk of breast cancer. Though cosmetic companies argue that parabens used externally in products are not absorbed by the body, one study found the chemicals in breast cancer tissue of 19 out of 29 women studied."

"Urine samples of 100 adults were also studied by The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and nearly all contained parabens."
"The European Union already banned the use of sodium methylparaben in fragrance because it can strip pigment from the skin, and while the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. has regulations regarding the use of parabens in food and drinks, the same regulations do not apply to the use of parabens in personal care products."
Yes, some cosmetic companies claim that cosmetics do not get into your blood stream, I for one, don't buy it. The pores on your skin absorb what you put on it. Be sure what you put it on it is worthy of your health.
Clearly, the debate is ongoing, for me though, if the likelihood exists that using parabens is toxic and I can easily avoid them in my cosmetics and body care...then why wouldn't I? That to me is a no brainer.
Next newsletter, another ingredient to watch out for, so stay tuned. For now, get rid of those parabens.
Friends enjoying the garden party open house last month
Next Open House September 13th
2:00 to 5:00
San Carlos
Contact me for an evite with details
Join me for an ice cream social with April of Beadentric studio in San Carlos and see, touch and try on all our goodies. This will be a real treat! In more ways than one ;) 
New Products to try

I searched and searched for a Truly Natural Mascara that contained healthy ingredients. As something we wear so close to our eye, I feel this is important and mascaras are generally not known for thieir beneficial ingredients. Well, here it is! Ready for you to give it try. Those that have tested it so far like that it does not clump, it covers well and stays on. 
Velvet Crush Mineral Lip Stick
A beautiful, creamy mulberry shade
I am bringing in more mineral lip colors with coverage that feel  "substantial" on the lips. I have two colors so far, Velvet Crush and Antique Brick. I will add more soon! Along with these, lip and eye liner pencils.
I also found Non-Toxic Nail Polish and Polish Remover, with out that noxious aroma that is SO unhealthy to breathe. When you use other brands of polish, be sure to be in a well ventilated room.
All, of course, with no parabens ;)

Raffle Winner!
Each month I hold a raffle to win a treasured gift. This month it is a free pair of earrings.  Stay tuned for the announcement of the lucky recipient, and be sure to ask how to get your name into the raffle.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just a quick update on a few new & exciting news items at Style Essentials.

Don't miss the End of Summer Garden Party and Open House on Sunday August 23rd at 2:00 in San Carlos. For more information look here
Bring a friend or two and enjoy the afternoon in the garden.

There are few things to highlight this month~

I have a steep SALE on eye pencils and brow pencils, until stock is gone. Normally these pencils are $14.00, NOW are only $5.00 each. First come first serve!

I have a brand new mascara to share with will love this one. Those of you who know me, know that I am a stickler for pure ingredients, so I searched and searched for a mascara with out parabens and other unhealthy ingredients. I found a truly natural mascara for you (and me too!). I will be taking orders for this new product through August and will carry it in my inventory ever after.

If you have not been here in the last couple of weeks you don't know about the great Dash Stacker Mineral Eye Color Pots. These are beautiful colors of eye shadows, stacked three high that would normally sell for $15.00. Now you can get them for $5.00 when you purchase $50.00 at Style Essentials.

As always, there are new jewelry styles waiting to be taken home by you!

I would love to see you at the Garden Party, but if you cant make it, call and set an appointment to visit the Style Essential Boutique...bring a friend, we'll have a cup of tea together.
Contact me through the above link