Well, the other day I found myself googling for the next bead and gem show in the area and, lo and behold, there was one just one week away.
So today, off we went to spend three hours exploring all the glittery, shiny baubles. And goodness, we had to take a few breather breaks so I wouldnt get over stimulated with rows and rows of beading vendors! Phew!
I thought you would like to see what we ended up with for our days haul:
Glass pendants with coordinating swarovski and czech cyrstals, I wish you could see the sparkle here!
Howli beads, and beads that look like those little chewing gum rocks. Do you remember those?
Turquoise, pearls and crystals. I just had to have those rainbow crystal beads. Can you imagine the possibilities? I can not wait to sit down and play.
If you see anything you would like or have any ideas for me, please comment below. More inspiration is always good!
Black onyx, garnet and cherry quartz crystal
I am really enjoying reds right now...
I dont know where this is taking me, but you just may find a few of these beads turned into jewelry on my boutique shelves or on my online catalog (or, I just may keep them for myself ;).
By the way, I have also felt the tug to make my own makeup....hmmmm.....
Contact me through the above link
Have fun w/ your new beads! You are so lucky to just be able to google bead shows and find one near you..we only have one bead show that comes here a few times a year w/ 3 vendors. It's tiny! and mostly the same stuff everytime.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I suppose I should consider myself lucky. Then again, you live in Hawaii! Lucky you ;)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I specially liked the glass pendants - quite impressive :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I am still in the 'dream' phase with those pendants...dreaming up what I am going to do with them. I hope to have something to share with them soon .
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting...appreciated!